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Internship Report Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Temporary position Report - Term Paper Example In the recorded time of its foundation, it used to work as an essentially inventive office...
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Unemployment And Its Impact On The Nation s Unemployment...
Unemployment is one of the biggest topics that we talk about as a country and also is one of the biggest problems that we have as well. In essence it is the state of being unemployed. There are three total types of unemployment: frictional, structural and cyclical. The latest unemployment rate reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) was 4.9% in January. The way that we measure unemployment is BLS conducts a national survey that is random to a number around 60,000 households. They do this to determine who is employed and who is not employed. The survey asks a series of questions such as which members of the household are working, not working, looking for work, not looking for work, etc. The answers that they receive using these surveys is the number that they use for the nation’s unemployment rate. Sure it seems like a small sample size compared to a whole country doing it, but that would take too much time and not everyone would fill it out. The 2010 Census numbers av eraged out to around 2.58 people per household. So that means they are really getting employment/unemployment information and statistics on about 154,800 people which is a much bigger sample size. Then there is always the variable that there is more people in one household than 2.5 that they send the survey to. The BLS divides the country into three separate groups. The first one is made up of people under 16 years of age and people who are institutionalized (i.e. mental hospitals or correctionalShow MoreRelatedDoes Home Ownership Impair An Individuals Labor Market Outcome?1127 Words  | 5 Pagesindividual s labor market outcome? Some early works suggest that home owners change their locations of residence less often than renters and, thus, home owners are immobile and less flexible. Nickell (1997) found that countries in which citizens are not shackled by the chain of permanent residence (flexible mobility) have relatively high employment rates. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Analyze the events or factors that you believe were the...
Analyze the events or factors that you believe were the most significant causes of the Reign of Terror. This essay peels through the layers of the remarkable years from 1789 through to 1794 to explore the catalysts of that period of the French Revolution characterized by political repression and widespread violence known as la Terreur, or, The Reign of Terror. The French Revolution, which initially saw an overthrow of the dictatorship of Louis XVI, was a period of time when France descended into a stage of political purges and indiscriminate martial law where many innocent civilians were killed. This essay investigates the causes for this unfortunate turn in the trajectory of the revolution. These causes are the storming of Bastille, the†¦show more content†¦After overthrowing the monarchy there was a perception, fuelled by their opponents the Jacobins that the Girondins wished to halt the democratic progress of the revolution now that they had achieved their own political goals.9 Evidence for this lies in the fact that the Girondins did not want King Louis to be tried. The Ja cobins, however, relying on the support of the fervent and militant Parisian laborers, the sans-culottes10, insisted upon this though the Girondins tried to save the Kings life. This, combined with a growing perception that they were too vacillating slowly alienated from the other major power brokers in the city. The key to the Girondins falling from power was their capacity to alienate the Parisian populace. Maximilian Robespierre, a prominent Jacobin politician who had been in favor of more radical democratic reforms and was in sympathy with the sans-cullottes, symbolizes the difference between the Girondin position and the more radical Jacobins. At the 1792 National Convention which met to agree on the policy and legislative platforms of the government, Robespierre launched a passionate attack on the Girondins – ‘You seemed to prefer power, and we equality.’ Robespierre went on to admonish the Girondins for their concern for policy and legality of commitment t o the principles of the revolution. Robespierre pointed out that liberty, under the old regime was illegal. ‘Citizens’ he said, ‘do you want a revolution without a revolution?Show MoreRelatedMotivation Factors in Dark Tourism13274 Words  | 54 PagesMotivation Factors in Dark Tourism Case: House of Terror LAHTI UNIVERSITY OF APPLIED SCIENCES The Faculty of Tourism and Hospitality Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management Nature and Soft Adventure Tourism Bachelor’s thesis Spring 2010 Titta Niemelà ¤ Lahti University of Applied Sciences Degree Programme in Tourism and Hospitality Management NIEMELÄ, TITTA: Motivation Factors in Dark Tourism: Case: House of Terror Bachelor’s Thesis in Nature and Soft Adventure TourismRead MoreStrategy Safari by Mintzberg71628 Words  | 287 Pages-84743-4 (hardcover) There are some people who begin the Zoo at the beginning, called WAYIN, and walk as quickly as they can past every cage until they come to the one called WAYOUT, but the nicest people go straight to the animal they love the most, and stay there. â€â€A. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
One More Time How do you Motivate Employees
Question: Discuss about One more time: How do you motivate employees by Frederick Herzberg? Answer: The article being reviewed was written by the famous management writer Frederick Herzberg. Professor Herzberg was a distinguished professor at the University of Utah and was associated with the department of management studies. He was also a distinguished professor and the head of the department of psychology in the Western Reserves University in 1968, when this article was published (Herzberg, 1968). The article highlights the many strategies and policies that are designed, implemented and followed by the higher managements of various organizations so as to get what they want from their employees. The process of motivating an employee to perform his regular duties at the job is perhaps the most monotonous job that the management has to perform. The higher management of every organization is continuously in search of ways in which their employees can be motivated: there has been no well formulated permanent answer to this question as none of the strategies implemented so far has been able to provide a complete remedy to this problem. Until now innumerable theories, strategies and policies have been applied by organizations so as motivate their employees, some of these have even been successful to meet their purpose, but none of them provide the desired result in a long term basis. Professor Herzberg starts this article with the very same question that has been asked to him several times by the managements of various organizations, and also admits that the psychology that works behind entire process of the organizations trying to motivate their employees and the negative response of the employees towards all such attempts is indeed very complex. He sarcastically formulates the theory of KITA or the KICK IN THE ASS as the ultimate policy of moving an employee and making him do his job as and when required by the management. However, the author does not forget to make his point clear while formulating the theory of KITA: he expresses his firm belief that the primary aim of organizations is not to force their employees into doing things each and every time; instead the organizations should be looking at solutions which would be far more dignified a d wood actually generate a sense of responsibility and ownership towards the jobs that they perform. In the following sections the author describes some of the mythological strategies that are still employed by various organizations so as to motivate their employees into performing their own duties: strategies being reducing the number of hours an employee needs to be present at work, the various types of increments in payments, different reward systems implemented by the organizations and so on. However, Professor Herzberg is of the opinion that all the above mentioned strategies had been unsuccessful at motivating the employees due to a very basic reason: the management had been so far overlooking a prime factor, namely the dissatisfaction of the workers at the work place. In this context, the author also clearly states that although in our semantic languages the opposite of job satisfaction would be job dissatisfaction, yet in the real world the two words have a very different relationship. In the real world, the opposite of job satisfaction would be no job satisfaction and that of job dissatisfaction would be no job dissatisfaction. According to this theory, when researches are being conducted on this particular domain, the factors behind the job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction of employees that are to be studied and analyzed need to be differentiated at first, as there exists no correlation in between these two factors. The author also uses a triangle of philosophie s in this context, which can be used in personnel management: the three sides of the triangle depicts some motivators factors which can be used so as to manipulate the employees I performing their job. The last section of the article is dedicated to the principles and strategies of job enrichment which has been developed by the incorporation of various strategies taken by organization that had actually been successful in motivating their employees. One of these principles is known as job loading. According to the author, job loading can be differentiated into two types; the horizontal job loading and the vertical job loading. While the vertical job loading is associated with providing motivator factors to the employee, the horizontal job loading mainly increases the target of the employee instead of giving them scopes for growth. An enterprise which has been successful in motivating its employees must put in a right mix of these two sets of job overloading for achieving the success. Lastly, the author suggests the steps that should be ideally implemented by an organization so as to enrich the jobs and motivate the employees in performing those. References: Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees?Harvard Business Review, (September-October 1987). Retrieved from https://synchronit.com/downloads/freebooks/herzberg.pdf
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Things Fall Apart Essays (1113 words) - African Writers Series
Things Fall Apart Book Evaluation Title: Things Fall Apart Author: Chinua Achebe Setting & Time: Nigeria in the late 1800's Principal Themes: *Clash of cultures *Need for balance between individual needs and community needs *Fate or Destiny First Published: 1958 Summary: Okonkwo is an angry man whose one goal in life is to succeed his lazy father's name. He is lead by anger and fear. Okonkwo strives to be a leader in the village of Umuofia. He has three wives, many children, and a large yam crop. Things Fall Apart is a story of Okonkwo's life and Ibo cultures. Principal Characters: Okonkwo: highly respected in Umuofia, a wealthy farmer of yams, Feared by all, violent Unoka: Okonkwo's father, lazy & wasteful, failure & laughing stock, Frequently borrowed money and never repaid it, neglected his Family Agbala, the Oracle: the prophet of the Igbo, looked upon for Guidance from all the people of the land Ikemefuna: taken from Mbaino, living with Okonkwo's family has Become one of his sons, killed by Okonkwo because the Oracle Said so Obierika: Okonkwo's best friend represents the voice of reason The Story: In the novel, Things Fall Apart, Okonkwo is a defiant figure who resists the attempts of the white colonizers to impose on his clan a new religion and social order. Okonkwo's defiance stems from his fear of the white men's destructive potential on the social hierarchy and religion of the clan. Okonkwo's fear is presented when he first encounters the missionaries of the new religion in the village of Mbanta. The interpreter of the white missionary, ...was a man of commanding presence and the clan listened to him. The fact that the clansmen are listening to the interpreter makes Okonkwo fear that some villagers might believe what the missionary is saying. This fear compels Okonkwo to stay, in hopes of chasing the missionaries out of the village. Okonkwo's fear does not subside until several clansmen laugh at the missionaries and he feels there is no danger of anyone being converted. Okonkwo is fearful and violently resistant to the new religion because it has the potential of undermini ng the life long work of the clan trying to please the gods of its ancestors. If Okonkwo were to accept the new religion, his sacrifices to the gods, like the killing of Ikemfuna, who Okonkwo loved as a son, would have been done in vain. Anyone from the clan who converts to the new religion seems to saying that Okonkwo was wrong in killing Ikemfuna. Also the twins who are stuffed into earthenware pots and left to die in the evil forest would be dying for no justifiable reason. One of Okonkwo's greatest fears about the new religion is that it could destroy the social hierarchy of the clan. None of his converts was a man whose word was heeded in the assembly of the people. None of them was a man of title. They were mostly the kind of people called efulefu, worthless, empty men. By joining the new religion, these worthless men are dismissing the social order of the clan, and gaining respect and power in the new society. In this sense, the underclass of the tribe are having a revolution , where the elitist, title holders in the clan are no longer respected, and the members of the underclass who convert are no longer worthless men. If the social hierarchy of the clan no longer existed, Okonkwo would lose his status and respect among the clan. By the end of the novel, many of Okonkwo's fears have been realized, and the social order of the clan is falling apart. The fear of the new religion and government, which causes Okonkwo to take the life of a white official, also causes him to take his own life. Themes & Meanings: *Clash of Cultures: This collision of cultures occurs at both a Personal and a societal level, and the cultural misunderstanding cut both ways. Just as the uncompromising Reverend Smith views Africans as ?heathens,? the Igbo initially criticize the Christians and the missionaries as ?foolish.? This theme is also illustrated when a Umuofian woman had been killed in Mbaino while she was attending its market. When this happened the Igbo native group decided that the Mbaino could go to war or give
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